Texas Considers Backyard Gas Line Regulations

The mission and performance of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners are under review by the Legislature as required under the Texas Sunset Act. The Act provides that the Sunset Commission, composed of legislators and public members, periodically evaluate a state agency to determine if the agency is still needed and to explore ways to ensure that the agency’s funds are well spent. Based on the recommendations of the Sunset Commission, the Texas Legislature ultimately decides whether an agency continues to operate into the future.

Through the Sunset review, every Texan has the opportunity to suggest ways in which the mission and operations of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners can be strengthened. If you would like to share your ideas about the board, please send an email to the address below, use the comment form on the Sunset Commission website, or contact Julie Davis of the Sunset staff. Suggestions are preferred by September 14, 2018, so they can be fully considered by the Commission staff.

The Sunset review involves three steps

First, Sunset Commission staff will evaluate the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners and issue a report in November 2018 recommending solutions to problems found. This step (as outlined in the second paragraph above) has already been completed. It is obvious the individual performing the review, entered into this process with a predetermined conclusion. Not favorable to us as an industry and profession. As usual – the individuals that think no one would believe they use restrooms with real plumbing fixtures and God forbid use water that was actually conveyed through a piped water system, are the first ones to step forward and critique our profession. Go figure.

Written comments received during the first step of this process could not and were not made public. Written comments received prior to the cut-off established for the December 12th & 13th, 2018 hearing date – will be made accessible to the public. Contact Sunset for timelines.

A month or so later, the Sunset Commission will meet to hear public testimony on the agency and the recommendations of the Sunset staff.

The pending dates for the hearing are December 12th & 13th, 2018. You are allowed three (3) minutes to defend your lifetime of work. Written testimony may also be submitted. Their contact information is included below. Based on public input and the Sunset staff report, the Sunset Commission will adopt recommendations for the full Legislature to consider when it convenes in January 2019. Please refer to the Sunset Commission website or call the office for updated information on specific dates for these meetings.

Sunset Advisory Commission
P.O. Box 13066
Austin, Texas 78711
Fax: 512/463-0705
Email: sunset@sunset.texas.gov

Information about the Sunset process, Sunset Commission meetings, and how to receiveSunset Commission email updates is available at: www.sunset.texas.gov